Acupuncture and the Feng Shui of Belvedere-Tiburon, California
My name is John Mini. I practice acupuncture, Chinese herbs and medical qi gong. I’ve lived and done this work in Marin County, California since 1988.
On the day of the Fire Dragon, May 11, 2009, I opened a new office on Tiburon’s Ark Row at 108 Main Street. I’ve called this space and what we’re doing here Elixir.
I came to Belvedere-Tiburon for a unique reason. For many years, my teachers told me that a time would come when we could create something very special. This was something that had never been done before.
They were talking about using the deepest elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine - acupuncture, Chinese herbs, medical qi gong and the healing aesthetics of real feng shui - to treat a person’s life as a whole.
They were also talking about working with a rare and distinguished group of people over the long-term to create a perfect alchemy.
They said the effects of working with this group would be recognized as legendary.
Those great masters told me this exceptional alchemy required three things: the right time, the right place and the right people.
Now we have all three.
Belvedere-Tiburon, welcome to Elixir.
- The Min Jie School
- A very brief introduction to the Min Jie School
- John Mini Workshops
- John Mini Workshops
- Elixir-Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs and Medical Qi Gong in Belvedere-Tiburon
- Discover Elixir of Belvedere-Tiburon- Learn how to use Traditional Chinese Medicine, the feng shui of time and the aesthetics of healing to bring your life to a new level of excellence.
- Elixir Now
- Access to my services is more limited now as I’m teaching more and moving forward with other areas of my life…
- Why has John Mini Come to Belvedere-Tiburon to Create Elixir?
- An introduction to John Mini, his practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine, feng shui and why he came to Belvedere-Tiburon, California to create Elixir.
- Acupuncture Intensives at Belvedere-Tiburon's Elixir
- An acupuncture intensive is where you commit a month of your life to healing yourself. I'll work with you three times a week for that month…
- Articles, Interviews and Projects by and about John Mini, M.S.C.M./L/Ac./ Dipl.
- This index will guide you to some of John Mini’s latest insights and adventures...
- About belvedere-tiburon
- About belvedere-tiburon...
- Elixir in Belvedere-TiburonContact
- How to contact John Mini, make an appointment, book an acupuncture intensive and how to get here.
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