Elixir Tiburon Art Festival 8-22-09 Feng Shui Ceremony Preparations
Our preparations began with cleaning our 36 abalone shells…
Every piece was essential to create the perfect mood…
From transporting dirt for the earth mound…
To the exact placement of the black-feathered atlatl spears…
Shaping each contour of the mound…
Local children were instantly magnetized to the earth mound and wanted to help out.
Terry and a spontaneous assistant get everything just right…
More assistants bring exacting eyes and little fingers to the project…
And tune up the energy.
Placing the earthen jug at the apex of the mound.

Tiburon Police "holding the field" for this important work…
Dovetailing the abalone shells…
Is a demanding task…
Tara gives a hand as only she can…
Sorting the abalone shells for size in our arrangement.
Le publicite! Le publicite!
Until we're ready to begin.
On to the Feng Shui Ceremony...
Elixir’s Feng Shui Gallery