Elixir Tiburon Art Festival 8-23-09 Feng Shui Ceremony The Feng Shui Ceremony
When the Fire hour came, it was time to bring that element into our altar.
We then added six mounds of earth from six locations around the Tiburon Peninsula...
Worked with the fire some more,
Inspired festival goers,
And added more railroad spikes during the Yang Metal hour.
My favorite moment in the day came when two ambitious young ladies made an attempt to jack the piggy bank...
Our ceremony built momentum as the day went along...

Some people felt so comfortable that they just stayed there for hours and hours…
Each participating in her or his own way.

Placing more flowers during the Yin Wood hour.

Heather Martin did a live installation of the current week of her show
Labyrinths of Time...
And our ceremony rose to its beautiful conclusion by the end of the festival day.
Elixir's Feng Shui Gallery