Tiburon Art Festival
Feng Shui Ceremony
Next came the watercolors.
After some initial experimentations,
Some focused attention,
And peaceful contemplation,
Others began to follow. Children took up this task with great enthusiasm. They just jumped in and started to paint...
After them came others...
And then many more through the rest of the day.
Most of the children's parents, declining to paint, instead focused their energy and attention on giving their children precise instructions on what to do and what not to do.
As if the children didn't know exactly what to do already!
When I asked other adults if they wanted to do a watercolor painting for the ceremony, nearly all of them declined for reasons unknown to me.
But there were a few intrepid exceptions...
Which led to epiphanous, life-changing experiences for some...
What role did these watercolors play in the ceremony? It was mostly about the doing, taking the time out to shift gears into something really different. These shifts left traces on paper, were displayed in their drying phase...

and found their way into the altar one by one...

Leaving behind us mountains of spent materials...
And many pleasant memories.
On to the Feng Shui Ceremony...
Elixir's Feng Shui Gallery